Proposal 25: Additional Proposals for DBC Galaxy Race Rule by DaiShu community

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Proposal 25: Additional Proposals for DBC Galaxy Race Rule by DaiShu community

Proponent:5CyoAjKMvK3Kr8MVAcdYXRSh5QccqKSVgoRf9WXddRNCAKEv Date: 29.03.2022 Requested DBC: Short description:

No.25 Abstract

1、300 RMB from the rental of per card to subsidize computing pool after destruction start.

2、The 300 million DBC rewords will be divided in the platform when the first time break 10000 cards barrier. Specification

1、 In order to ensure the quality of the computing power service of the pool and stabilize the scale of the computing power of the platform, deduct 300 RMB from the rental that used for destruction per card to subsidize computing pool for operation and maintenance cost after destroying. The subsidy per card for oversea pools follow the exchange rate at the time of proposal adoption.

2、 Set up 10,000-card barrier rewards in addition. The 300 million DBC rewords will be divided according to the percentage of the cards each computing pool provides in the platform when the first time break 10000 cards barrier. Background

As a blockchain project featuring GPU computing power platform with practical landing application value, the scale of computing power of the platform and the stability of computing power service are the lifeline of DBC project development. To accelerate the GPU computing power on scale, the DBC Galaxy Race was lunched at 2021 and set up various rewards and penalty mechanisms to encourage each computing pool to increase the number of GPU cards and ensure the stability of online computing power. However, due to the imperfection of the existing competition rules and the influence of domestic and international policies and market environment during the actual process, DBC trading price was all the way down, resulting negative motive to add cards in each computing pool, the revenue of add cards is way lower than the speculative hoarding coins, which is contrary to the original mission of the DBC project and restrict the development of project further and to higher quality. In order to support the scale of computing power on the platform to develop stably and rapidly, and Galaxy Computing Power Race to develop healthily, the additional rules to the race are made without changing the existing Galaxy rules. Proponent Introduction

The two of us are representatives from the Deep Brain Chain Kangaroo Community. Our main experiences are as follows:

Wang Haoyu, since 1988 to 2017, mainly engaged in the general contracting business of engineering,with independent construction solutions, technical team, with more than 20 million yuan of capital volume project operation experience,Currently,a blockchain enterprise national operations director with a registered capital of one billion yuan (Zhejiang Hangzhou), 2019 began to contact the deep brain chain project.Relying on the Lunan Big Data Center,he created the DaiShu Community Computing Pool to promote the Deep Brain Chain project in the national computing power market.

Chen Xudong, graduated from a 985 university with a postgraduate degree in applied mathematics in 2016, won the first prize in the National Student Mathematical Modeling Competition, and is currently an artificial intelligence algorithm expert for a listed company. In 2020, due to GPU computing power requirements,begin to know the Deep Brain Chain project, and continue to pay attention to it from then on.also actively participates in the community governance of the Deep Brain Chain project,He advocates promoting the development of the project from the perspective of business model and real market application value. Problem statement

what problem is this proposal trying to solve? Make it as granular as possible to allow others to understand the logic behind it.

Proposal Objective/solution/s

What is the goal of the proposal? What does 'success' look like? Explain what your solution is after taking into consideration the context and the problem. Make sure to consider all points included in the problem statement to ensure a complete and balanced proposal, and try to be as granular as possible. Our team is professional for collecting GPU supplies. In particular, we also have the corresponding resource reserve. After collecting funds, we can ensure that the cards can be loaded within the promised time. LuNan big data center is a big data infrastructure , 2 billion invested by the government of Zaozhuang city, Shandong province, a complete independent operating entity with strong technical team, Our community also has on-site staff in Lunan Big Data Center. In order to promote the deep brain chain project nationwide, we will register a company in Hangzhou. Every time the investment accountant gets a card, Lunan Big Data Center will send corresponding confirmation email to us, and we will publicize it in the name of the company in Hangzhou, accepting everyone's supervision.

How does the proposal change the network? How do the milestones of the project achieve the ultimate goal? List the solution and milestones to reach your goal.

We will divide it into three steps:

Push the proposal through the council.

Accelerate the adding of cards to reach the target of 5000

Accelerate to reach the target of 10,000 cards

Introduce market value management team to assist the project in raising the currency price.

The ultimate goal is to raise the price of DBC to more than 0.5 yuan

  1. Who does this solution help?

all the investors of computing pool as well as long-term coin holders. 提案人: 5CyoAjKMvK3Kr8MVAcdYXRSh5QccqKSVgoRf9WXddRNCAKEv 日期:2022 年 3 月 29 日星期二 预算: 提案简述:


No.25 摘要

1、开启销毁后,每张卡需要补贴 300 元的运维成本。

2、上到 10000 卡,再奖励 3 亿 DBC 详情

提案规则一:为确保算池算力服务质量,稳定平台算力规模,开启销毁之后,用于销毁的租金需去除每卡(RMB)300 元的运维成本补贴,海外算池按提案通过时汇率折算每卡补贴。

提案规则二:另设置 10000 卡关口奖励,第一次从 5000 卡升到 10000 卡,按卡数占比瓜分 3 亿 DBC 奖励。 提案背景

DBC 作为以 GPU 算力平台为特色且有实际落地应用价值的区块链项目,平台的算力规模与算力服务的稳定性,是 DBC 项目发展的生命线,为加快推进 GPU 算力上规模,2021 年启动了银河算力竞赛,并设置了各种奖励与惩罚机制,鼓励各算池加速上卡,保证线上算力稳定。但在实际推进过程中,由于现有竞赛规则不完善,且受国内外政策市场环境影响,DBC 交易价格一路走低,导致各算池上卡无动力,上卡收益严重低于投机囤币,这违背了 DBC 项目的初心使命,也制约了项目进一步高质量发展,为推进平台算力规模稳定快速扩大,银河算力竞赛健康发展,在现有银河竞赛规则不改变的情况下,对竞赛规则做适当补充。 提案人介绍


王皓宇,自 1988 年至 2017 年主要做工程总包生意,拥有独立施工方案,技术团队,有超过 2000 万元以上资金体量项目运作经验,目前为注册资本十亿区块链龙头企业(浙江杭州)全国运营总监,2019 年开始接触深脑链项目,依托鲁南大数据中心创建袋鼠社区算池,进行深脑链项目全国算力市场推广。

陈旭东,2016 年 985 高校应用数学研究生毕业,曾获全国大学生数学建模竞赛国家一等奖,目前为某上市公司人工智能算法专家,2020 年由于 GPU 算力需求接触深脑链项目,后持续关注深脑链项目,积极参与深脑链项目社区治理,主张从商业模式,市场真实应用价值实现角度推动项目发展。

我们团队是有专人负责收集 GPU 货源的,特别是我们自身也有相应的资源储备,在收集了资金后,我们能够确保在承诺时间内上卡。鲁南大数据中心是山东省枣庄市投资 20 亿建设的大数据基础设施,有完整的运营主体,和雄厚的运维技术团队,我们社区在鲁南大数据中心也有驻场人员定点负责,为在全国范围推广深脑链项目,我们会在杭州注册公司主体,投资算工每上一张卡,就会又鲁南大数据中心发相应的确认邮件,并以杭州的公司名义进行公示,接受大家监督。 问题陈述


提案规则二,主要是解决在推广过程中,算池考虑当前市场状况,回本周期不明朗,上卡无动力等问题,按照目前市场每卡约 40000 元算力成本估计,达到 5000 卡关口时按币价 0.2 元估计(去年五月,未开启银河竞赛时的已达到过的价格),达到 10000 卡关口时按币价 0.5 元估计(考虑销毁造成的通缩与平台算力规模,这一价格应该是保守估计),每卡分得银河竞赛奖励已达

1.33 亿/50000.2+3 亿/100000.5=20320 元

基本已回本百分之 50,另外考虑 5000 卡下销毁未开启阶段每卡的租金收益以及,达到 10000 卡过程中的算力奖励,一年内回本是大概率事件,且有很大可能获得超额收益。 目标/解决方法

提案的目标是什么? 怎样算是成功完成目标?详细说明你的方案。



1、 推动提案在理事会投票通过。

2、 加速推进上卡,以达到 5000 卡销毁开启的目标。

3、 加速推进上卡达到 10000 卡目标

4、 引入相应的市值管理团队,协助项目方提升币价。

最终目标提升深脑链币价到 0.5 元以上

  1. 解决这个问题会帮助到哪些人?

