DBC Council Meeting Procedures (Trial Version)

약 3 분

DBC Council Meeting Procedures (Trial Version)

In order to better promote community governance and improve the efficiency, we establish this DBC Council meeting procedure as follows:

  • Initiator of the council meeting: the prime voter of the council in the current period serves as the initiator, or council members can select one of them to serve as the initiator, responsible for supervising the meeting to be held as planned, including coordinating the specific time of the meeting, count the number of attendees, etc. If the initiator cannot initiate the meeting for some reason, the secretary of the council can temporarily act as the initiator temporarily.

  • Secretary of the Council: The secretary of the council is concurrently held by the Chinese and English community administrators, responsible for collecting proposal and topics for each meeting

  • The source of the topic: All community members can submit, and priority is given to discussing topics with high community attention

  • Frequency of meetings: once every two weeks

  • Length of meeting: a maximum of 2 hours for a single meeting (if there are sudden and serious problems, it can be appropriately extended)

  • Eligibility: Council members (community members can attend as auditors, but they will be asked to not interupt until the council open it up for questions or feedback.)

  • The threshold for holding the meeting: more than 1/2 of the council members participating in the meeting

  • The threshold for passing the topic: more than 2/3 of the participating council members vote in favor, (for different topics, the threshold can be further refined)

  • Minutes of the meeting: organized by the secretary of the board of directors, including the number of participants in the meeting, the topics of the meeting, the voting status of the topics, etc.

  • Minutes of the meeting are released: the minutes of each council meeting are released by the Foundation on official twitter/telegram/korean blog and other channels

2022/04/12 update

[Before the meeting]

  • The sponsor of the meeting needs to coordinate the meeting time one week in advance and count the number of participants by email. This work is recommended to be completed within 2-3 days. According to the "Council Meeting Procedure", more than 1/2 of the board members participating in the meeting are required to meet the threshold for the meeting to be held. Participation is subject to email confirmation.

  • The topics that need to be discussed at the council meeting can be divided into decision-making on important issues (generally involving referendum proposals), Treasury proposal, and NFT proposals. The secretary of the council is responsible for the collection and sorting of these topics. At least one day in advance, the topics will be compiled into a document and published to the council group, reminding the councilor to read.

(1 Decisions on important issues and referendum proposals)

After the meeting is confirmed, councilors can report the issues to be discussed to the secretary of the council. The following information should be included in the report:

Subject: a sentence stating the issue to be discussed

Proposer: One, the main proposer of this issue

Secondaries: other councilors who seconded this issue

Introduction: Please explain the main content of the issue in concise and clear language.

Details (if any: Details of the proposal and others related to the issue. It is recommended to organize it into an online document, and a link is attached here for the convenience of reading.)

(2 Treasury proposals)

The following information is collated by the Secretary of the Council:

On-Chain Number: the number of the proposal in the DBC mainnet-Treasury section

Council motion number:

Proposal content: reddit link

(3 NFT application proposal)

Reference (2 Treasury proposal)

The sponsor of the meeting or the secretary of the council should remind everyone to attend the meeting in the council group at least one day in advance.

[during meeting]

The discussion of topics in the meeting should be carried out in sequence according to the list compiled by council secretary. Except in very urgent situations, it is generally not allowed to temporarily add topics.

Considering that each meeting has only 2 hours, it is necessary to give more councilors the opportunity to speak. In principle, a single meeting should not have more than 4 topics, each member should not speak more than 5 minutes on a single topic, and should not speak more than 10 minutes in a single meeting.

[after meeting]

Each topic discussed by the council must have conclusion: passed/rejected/to be determined/on hold/to be optimized, etc., and publicized to the community. As for the discussion on the treasury and NFT proposal, the secretary of the council needs to feedback the views of the council to the proposer (such as commenting on the reddit post).

Please make every effort to attend global council meetings and change your Discord account name to the on-chain name on DBC mainnet. The attendance list for each meeting will be released to the community, and the attendance frequency will be released to the community as vote-influencing data for the next election!
